# # wget http://a.moot-servers.net/unbound.conf.txt # wget http://a.moot-servers.net/root.hints.txt # wget http://a.moot-servers.net/unbound.root.key.txt; unbound -c unbound.conf.txt -d # server: directory: "." username: "lamb" pidfile: "unbound.pid" logfile: "" chroot: "" root-hints: "root.hints.txt" auto-trust-anchor-file: "unbound.root.key.txt" verbosity: 10 port: 53 interface: access-control: allow # access-control: ::0/0 allow statistics-interval: 10 extended-statistics: yes # instruct the auto-trust-anchor-file probing to add anchors after ttl. add-holddown: 35 # 175 # 2592000 = 30 days # instruct the auto-trust-anchor-file probing to del anchors after ttl. del-holddown: 35 # 175 # 2592000 = 30 days # auto-trust-anchor-file probing removes missing anchors after ttl. # If the value 0 is given, missing anchors are not removed. #keep-missing: 439 # 2196 # 31622400 = 366 days permit-small-holddown: yes remote-control: control-enable: no